Culinary Academy
Cooking for a Purpose
The Kneaded Culinary Academy was founded in 2009 to teach local disenfranchised youth job skills, culinary skills, and life skills. The 10-week program covers 60 hours of instruction in culinary essentials and helps students prepare for a job in the hospitality industry. Each student receives their food handler’s certification and assistance with job placement or support in college enrollment.
In 2012, the Kneaded Bakery and Catering Program was started to offer graduates of the Culinary Academy sheltered employment in a supportive setting. The program has expanded since its inception to employ up to 10 apprentices at a time and help them explore their interests in Savory Cooking, Baking and Pastry, Business Management, and Customer Service.
Our Services Include:
- The Culinary Academy on-site at RCS
- Pride Kitchen
- Virtual Family Skill Building Culinary Classes
- 2-Week Intensive Vocational Training Classes
- Catering Services
- Wholesale/Retail Baked Goods
The Kneaded Culinary Academy is partially funded by:

Additional Questions?
- For more information about the Culinary Academy, or for an application on our current class recruitment please email culinaryacademy@rcskids.org
- To learn more about our Catering and Bakery Services, visit our website by clicking on the button below